On April 11th, set against the backdrop of the forthcoming Olympicsin Paris, Converse hosted an immersive experience celebrating the intersection of skate and creativity. Inspired by the interiors of old skate shops and the salon wall typology, stills, animations, and videos of different sizes were laid out in a curated mixture. Circular and rectangular motifs in elevation mimicked similar figures in plan. In the skatepark zone, wallride, ramps, and benches, graffitied by local artist Tey0, provided an authentic playground for the riders. In the tank space, archival products formed a 9-square grid in the interior, while 13 pedestals displaying current products outlined the perimeter. In the mirror room, 28 TV monitors played skate films and were stacked into a 7-level circular totem. At the end of the night, over 800 guests from the skate and creative communities, along with global media, creators, and marketplace partners attended the celebration.

Project: In Motion, Hosted Converse Cons
Location: Paris
Date: April 2024
Creative Director: Justin Jiang
Production: Mazarine